Within the current society, people address life in a particular way aim to discover and experience meaning in life. From the ethical point of view, there is a contradiction between the value of autonomy and the value of the inviolability of life. The choice of euthanasia is defined and examined regarding the value of human life and the meaning of suffering for Christians. Liégeois & De Schrijver (2018) identify three ethical arguments against suicide by considering it as an “offense of man against him- or herself, against society and God” (p. 32). To be more specific, those committed to the Christian belief should recognize God as the Creator and Owner of life. Human life should be acknowledged as a gift from God. Thus, by causing damage to life or ending it, people also damage the Creator.

Based on the Christian doctrine, all human beings, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, or any other criteria, are created in God’s image and, therefore, possess inherent worth. This idea is deeply grounded in the biblical creation account in the book of Genesis. As interpreted by theologians, God’s image is connected to a variety of human attributes, such as “rationality, sociality, moral agency, and spirituality” (White, 2020, para. 5). However, His significance lies not in these properties, but in the fundamental value of human beings. The Christian faith endows the life of each individual, who owns moral, ethical, and legal rights, with an inherent worth controlled by God. With that said, the role of the future medical practitioners will imply the question of the value of human life as a principal value in society in the context of the central purpose of medicine in life-saving and healing.

Whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?

When supporting other people, one should understand and respect their values and wishes. Each individual’s concept of the surrounding world is based upon their values, beliefs, experiences, culture, and adherence to societal norms, moral codes, and religious practices. Therefore, all these elements of life determine whether the decisions made are right or wrong and how people believe they must think or act. Those who follow the Christian worldview have their choices adapted to the biblical concepts and Christian living standards. With that said, regarding George’s situation and critical life-ending decision, it is important to consider God’s ultimate power over death and life when opting for such a choice.

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